Thursday, 28 November 2013


I wrote this ages ago and never put it up. better late than never, I suppose!

While I've been back in town I have been very remiss at letting you know what I've been up to. To be honest, mostly it is sitting in the office at a computer. I have been doing a LOT of data entry, but Nessa and I are now completely up to date. I have been organising journals; getting to know all the new people in the office; saying goodbye to lots of people, which has been sad, but is just the way of things here. Yesterday I had a lesson in how to teach English from Valerie and Nick. So useful. I really enjoy the English teaching in Sainte Luce, but it's good to have a bit of training.

Last Friday I took the morning off, along with Nessa, Conor, Valerie (English teaching), Rachel B and Rachel's lovely mum to go whale watching. It was the most beautiful day. The sea barely had a ripple and looked like the sort of sea that the animators at Pixar would create. A fantastic day for being on the sea. Perhaps not the best for spotting whales as they barely made a splash, cruising through the water with the sun on their backs.Hmm, that sentence nearly rhymes. We saw some leaping on the horizon and a couple of flukes above the surface as their owners dived. We saw so many whales and we got so close. Just a few metres away. Twice we found mothers, sitting on the surface, giving their calves a rest from the long migration by supporting them in the water on the end of their nose. As they moved off the mother's back rose out of the water and we could really get the feel of just how big a whale is! It was a wonderful morning.

The weekend turned really hot and I spent a lot of time heading to the beach and swimming in the turquoise water, interspersed with a massage, naps, a delicious pancake brunch at Nessa and Conor's house, a BBQ at Sarah and Sarah's. Life's pretty good.

It has been cold again, though, since Monday. The woolly hat is back out and I've been wandering about with an emergency pair of thick socks in my handbag (to go with my flip flops, of course!). It won't last long so I should enjoy the respite from the heat!

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