Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Fort Dauphin

Seeing as I've been in town for a little while now I thought that maybe I should tell you a little bit about the place. I'm settling in to my little abode, making friends with the dogs/cats/kids that live there. All of whom are very cute (apart from the tom cat that sauntered in and sprayed in my room!)

My room has a view of peak St Louis which dominates the skyline to the north west of fort Dauphin. In nearly every other direction from town lies the sea. Fort Dauphin is situated between two large coves, Ancoba (1) and Shipwreck bay (4), which extends far beyond the town all the way to Evatraha. I live on a road that runs straight from one beach to the other.

Ancoba is also a very long beach and is frequented by the surfers. The next bay along is Libanona (2) where I went on my first day. It's beautiful but the waves on that day were a bit scary! On the other side of this piece of land is Monsigneur beach (3), where I spent a good deal of Saturday! It's quiet, with a gorgeous view. Another surf spot. The area around these two beaches is the place to be for whale watching. July and August are the months when the humpbacks come by.

I have begun exploring more of the market (5). It's the hive of activity you would expect. Beans, fruit, rice, meat, fish, frip. It's all there! I'll try and sneak some photos later.

Tomorrow I'm off to Lavanono for a holiday. From what I've heard from the others I'm expecting great things! There are 6 of us going. We leave early tomorrow. It takes 10 hours to get there. We need to take all our food and water with us. I'm so excited. Back on Tuesday. A whole year older, but where better to spend a 30th than the on a beach in the spiny forest?

Here's a couple of photos from Saturday at Monsigneur beach. My feet and Forrest paddling off on a surf board.

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